NOISE: Noise-Nonlinearity Interaction in Climate Dynamics

-NOISE Project-:

Nonlinearity Interaction in Climate Dynamics, is an inter-organism project of the ocean-atmosphere area of the LEFE/MANU Program whose aim is to investigate the topological structure of random attractors relevant to climate dynamics, in order to understand the interaction between noise and the nonlinearity of a dynamical system. This question is central to the modeling of physically open, non-autonomous, forced (anthropogenic) and random (natural) systems. The project involves Mickael Chekroun and Michael Ghil as co-investigators..

Additional Information
Denisse Sciamarella
Principal Investigator
Intendente Güiraldes 2160
Ciudad Universitaria
Pabellón II - 2do. piso
(C1428EGA) Buenos Aires
TE: (54)(11) 5285-8467
Fax: (54)(11) 4788-3572

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