Table 3.1 lists the articles published by UMI-IFAECI researchers between 2010 and 2013
in refereed journals and relevant book chapters, including the information about to which Research Theme they contribute.
The article total is 254 and compared with the total number of UMI-IFAECI researchers (47, section 5), results in an article-researcher rate of
around 5.4 for the 3.5 years considered. The distribution of articles per Research Theme (Fig. 3.1) shows that Theme 1 exhibits the largest
number of them (70), as it is expected because of the large numbers of researchers involved in that particular theme (section 5).
On the other hand, the other Research Themes exhibit between 14 and 30 articles.
Beside 168 articles were published in journals for which the ISI factor has been identified, corresponding to a rate of 3.6 articles per researcher. It is worth to mention that refereed journals typical readed in the region, like those from the societies of meteorology from both Argentina and Brazil are not indexed yet. Fig. 3.2 shows that the majority of the articles are published in indexed journals with impact factor between 3 and 4 and in second term between 2 and 3. This range of impact factor values encompasses most of the better known international journals devoted to atmospheric and ocean sciences. The few number of articles published in journals with impact factor larger than 5 corresponds to journals like PNAS or Nature Geosciences, among others.
Table 3.2 provides the list of the most relevant Conferences or international meetings attended by UMI-IFAECI researchers. Notice that project meetings are not included. As it is discussed in section 6, many researchers of the unit have an important international recognition, which in this case is noticeable by the number of talks that they have been invited to give. Most of talks given at the listed conferences include also the publication of extended abstracts or full articles in conference proceedings. The conference paper details have not been included in favor of succinctness.
UMI-IFAECI researchers have also extensively contributed to the publication of technical reports or invited articles in international program journals, books or other type of publications. The most relevant ones are listed in Table 3.3.